
OneProvider Romania Bucharest AMD EPYC General Purpose Instance Test and Review

We recently tested the OneProvider Romania Bucharest General Purpose Instance, featuring an AMD EPYC Processor with 2 CPU cores, 4 GB of RAM, and 2...

NordicVM Romania Bucharest 10GBPS Unlimited Bandwidth VPS Test and Review

Let's check out the NordicVM Romania Bucharest VPS with a 10Gbps connection. It's got an Intel Xeon CPU E5-2690 v4 at 2.60GHz, with 2 CPU cores, 2G...

VerticHost Romania Bucharest High Performance KVM VPS Test and Review

We recently reviewed the VerticHost Romania Bucharest high-speed VPS. This server draws strength from an Intel Xeon E-2236 CPU running at 3.40GHz. ...

IntoVPS Romania Bucharest OpenStack Cloud VPS Hosting Test and Review

This time, we will check out the IntoVPS Cloud server in Bucharest, Romania. This server has a strong AMD EPYC Processor, and here's what it comes ...