RamNode Netherlands Amsterdam VDS Virtual Dedicated Servers Test and Review

VPS Performance Trials2~years ago (2023)~Published LetsHosting
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The Ultimate Hosting Platform
RamNode Netherlands Amsterdam VDS Virtual Dedicated Servers Test and Review

In this review, we delve into the capabilities of the RamNode Netherlands Amsterdam Dedicated CPU VDS Server. Empowered by a robust Intel Core Processor (Haswell, with no TSX, IBRS), this server comprises 2 cores CPU/8 GB RAM and abundant 200 GB SSD storage—facilitating effective data management. Accompanied by a 1 Gbps Internet Port, 10 TB of data traffic allowance, and the provision of 1x IPv4 and 1x IPv6 addresses, it ensures a steady digital presence.

A wide array of meticulous tests was employed in our investigation to evaluate the server’s fundamental performance metrics, including the Basic Benchmark, Yabs, and Unix Benchmark. Beyond these, we also employed the Global Node Test to comprehensively appraise the network’s extent and the Global Ping Test for assessing latency.

We subjected the server to the Media Unlock Test and the CloudFlare Internet Test to measure regional access and connection quality. Web performance evaluations were done through reliable tools such as PageSpeed Insights and GTmetrix Performance. These rigorous examinations meticulously detail overall server performance, providing a comprehensive vision of the server’s capabilities and efficacy.

About RamNode

Established in 2012, RamNode has built a noteworthy reputation as a highly economical yet potent server provider. Rooted in its commitment to extend affordability without compromising power, RamNode’s primary mission revolves around this fundamental ethos: To craft server solutions that are both cost-effective and rich with robust features.

RamNode offers various services, including Cloud KVM VPSVirtual Dedicated ServersOpenVZ VPS, and cPanel Shared Hosting. Their Cloud KVM VPS offers hyperfast NVMe SSD and HDD storage options, up to 400GB NVMe SSD, 16GB RAM, and 6TB bandwidth. It provides versatility for all project types, big or small.

Their Virtual Dedicated Servers offer fully virtualized SSD compute instances, up to 800GB SSD, 32GB RAM, and 40TB bandwidth. These servers have dedicated CPU cores for mission-critical performance.

The OpenVZ VPS is offered on their legacy SolusVM System. It provides up to 200GB SSD, 16GB RAM, and 5TB bandwidth. This is a low-cost solution for when you need it.

Their cPanel Shared Hosting includes free migration services. Shared and Reseller options are available. This service provides hassle-free server management.

Furthermore, RamNode’s platform offers unmatched flexibility regarding operating system deployment. Whether your preference lies in any of their cloud-init-compatible Linux images or you’d rather opt to upload your bespoke image/ISO, the choice is yours!

Official Website: https://www.RamNode.com

BasicBench: Server Profile, I/O Speed, Upload and Download Speed

 CPU Model          : Intel Core Processor (Haswell, no TSX, IBRS)
 CPU Cores          : 2 @ 3299.986 MHz
 CPU Cache          : 16384 KB
 AES-NI             : Enabled
 VM-x/AMD-V         : Enabled
 Total Disk         : 196.8 GB (848.3 MB Used)
 Total Mem          : 7.8 GB (81.7 MB Used)
 System uptime      : 0 days, 0 hour 2 min
 Load average       : 0.11, 0.12, 0.05
 OS                 : Debian GNU/Linux 11
 Arch               : x86_64 (64 Bit)
 Kernel             : 5.10.0-15-cloud-amd64
 TCP CC             : bbr
 Virtualization     : KVM
 IPv4/IPv6          : Online / Online
 Organization       : AS198203 RouteLabel V.O.F.
 Location           : Heeseind / NL
 Region             : North Brabant
 I/O Speed(1st run) : 82.7 MB/s
 I/O Speed(2nd run) : 669 MB/s
 I/O Speed(3rd run) : 685 MB/s
 I/O Speed(average) : 478.9 MB/s
 Node Name        Upload Speed      Download Speed      Latency     
 Speedtest.net    912.41 Mbps       924.08 Mbps         2.28 ms     
 Los Angeles, US  582.58 Mbps       574.78 Mbps         138.66 ms   
 Dallas, US       745.48 Mbps       583.84 Mbps         110.63 ms   
 Montreal, CA     756.70 Mbps       905.15 Mbps         80.66 ms    
 Paris, FR        908.41 Mbps       925.13 Mbps         14.21 ms    
 Amsterdam, NL    924.46 Mbps       672.40 Mbps         9.64 ms     
 Shanghai, CN     471.83 Mbps       562.52 Mbps         166.93 ms   
 Nanjing, CN      14.16 Mbps        446.71 Mbps         254.59 ms   
 Hongkong, CN     339.43 Mbps       621.42 Mbps         198.06 ms   
 Singapore, SG    519.57 Mbps       595.59 Mbps         157.15 ms   
 Tokyo, JP        333.73 Mbps       605.19 Mbps         230.63 ms   
 Finished in        : 5 min 21 sec
 Timestamp          : 2023-09-15 01:05:48 UTC

YabsBench: Disk Speed, iperf3 Network Speed, Geekbench 6 Benchmark

IPv6 Network Information:
ISP        : RouteLabel V.O.F.
ASN        : AS198203 RouteLabel V.O.F.
Host       : Serviciul de Telecomunicatii Criptate
Location   : Amsterdam, North Holland (NH)
Country    : Netherlands

fio Disk Speed Tests (Mixed R/W 50/50):
Block Size | 4k            (IOPS) | 64k           (IOPS)
  ------   | ---            ----  | ----           ---- 
Read       | 9.22 MB/s     (2.3k) | 137.24 MB/s   (2.1k)
Write      | 9.25 MB/s     (2.3k) | 137.96 MB/s   (2.1k)
Total      | 18.47 MB/s    (4.6k) | 275.21 MB/s   (4.2k)
           |                      |                     
Block Size | 512k          (IOPS) | 1m            (IOPS)
  ------   | ---            ----  | ----           ---- 
Read       | 150.54 MB/s    (294) | 241.78 MB/s    (236)
Write      | 158.54 MB/s    (309) | 257.89 MB/s    (251)
Total      | 309.08 MB/s    (603) | 499.67 MB/s    (487)

iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv4):
Provider        | Location (Link)           | Send Speed      | Recv Speed      | Ping           
Clouvider       | London, UK (10G)          | 381 Mbits/sec   | 753 Mbits/sec   | 9.66 ms        
Scaleway        | Paris, FR (10G)           | 895 Mbits/sec   | 802 Mbits/sec   | 12.3 ms        
NovoServe       | North Holland, NL (40G)   | busy            | busy            | 2.45 ms        
Uztelecom       | Tashkent, UZ (10G)        | busy            | busy            | 93.2 ms        
Clouvider       | NYC, NY, US (10G)         | 48.5 Mbits/sec  | busy            | 82.0 ms        
Clouvider       | Dallas, TX, US (10G)      | 33.3 Mbits/sec  | 80.9 Mbits/sec  | 124 ms         
Clouvider       | Los Angeles, CA, US (10G) | 26.3 Mbits/sec  | 37.9 Mbits/sec  | 151 ms         

iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv6):
Provider        | Location (Link)           | Send Speed      | Recv Speed      | Ping           
Clouvider       | London, UK (10G)          | 371 Mbits/sec   | 675 Mbits/sec   | 9.85 ms        
Scaleway        | Paris, FR (10G)           | 903 Mbits/sec   | busy            | 12.3 ms        
NovoServe       | North Holland, NL (40G)   | busy            | busy            | 2.43 ms        
Uztelecom       | Tashkent, UZ (10G)        | 818 Mbits/sec   | 404 Mbits/sec   | 93.1 ms        
Clouvider       | NYC, NY, US (10G)         | 47.9 Mbits/sec  | 66.3 Mbits/sec  | 81.9 ms        
Clouvider       | Dallas, TX, US (10G)      | 30.8 Mbits/sec  | 37.8 Mbits/sec  | 124 ms         
Clouvider       | Los Angeles, CA, US (10G) | 26.1 Mbits/sec  | 36.6 Mbits/sec  | 151 ms         

Geekbench 6 Benchmark Test:
Test            | Value                         
Single Core     | 1049                          
Multi Core      | 1762                          
Full Test       | https://browser.geekbench.com/v6/cpu/2609379

YABS completed in 16 min 46 sec

UnixBench: CPU Performance, A score higher is better

Benchmark Run: Fri Sep 15 2023 01:32:58 - 02:01:00
2 CPUs in system; running 1 parallel copy of tests

Dhrystone 2 using register variables       40680037.6 lps   (10.0 s, 7 samples)
Double-Precision Whetstone                     6359.0 MWIPS (9.9 s, 7 samples)
Execl Throughput                               3726.7 lps   (29.7 s, 2 samples)
File Copy 1024 bufsize 2000 maxblocks        602007.8 KBps  (30.0 s, 2 samples)
File Copy 256 bufsize 500 maxblocks          162332.7 KBps  (30.0 s, 2 samples)
File Copy 4096 bufsize 8000 maxblocks       1664711.7 KBps  (30.0 s, 2 samples)
Pipe Throughput                              884968.3 lps   (10.0 s, 7 samples)
Pipe-based Context Switching                 157759.6 lps   (10.0 s, 7 samples)
Process Creation                               8257.7 lps   (30.0 s, 2 samples)
Shell Scripts (1 concurrent)                  10599.7 lpm   (60.0 s, 2 samples)
Shell Scripts (8 concurrent)                   2014.3 lpm   (60.0 s, 2 samples)
System Call Overhead                         500507.9 lps   (10.0 s, 7 samples)

System Benchmarks Index Values               BASELINE       RESULT    INDEX
Dhrystone 2 using register variables         116700.0   40680037.6   3485.9
Double-Precision Whetstone                       55.0       6359.0   1156.2
Execl Throughput                                 43.0       3726.7    866.7
File Copy 1024 bufsize 2000 maxblocks          3960.0     602007.8   1520.2
File Copy 256 bufsize 500 maxblocks            1655.0     162332.7    980.9
File Copy 4096 bufsize 8000 maxblocks          5800.0    1664711.7   2870.2
Pipe Throughput                               12440.0     884968.3    711.4
Pipe-based Context Switching                   4000.0     157759.6    394.4
Process Creation                                126.0       8257.7    655.4
Shell Scripts (1 concurrent)                     42.4      10599.7   2499.9
Shell Scripts (8 concurrent)                      6.0       2014.3   3357.1
System Call Overhead                          15000.0     500507.9    333.7
System Benchmarks Index Score                                        1185.4

Benchmark Run: Fri Sep 15 2023 02:01:00 - 02:29:04
2 CPUs in system; running 2 parallel copies of tests

Dhrystone 2 using register variables       75940908.4 lps   (10.0 s, 7 samples)
Double-Precision Whetstone                    12839.1 MWIPS (9.9 s, 7 samples)
Execl Throughput                               7154.3 lps   (30.0 s, 2 samples)
File Copy 1024 bufsize 2000 maxblocks       1002295.4 KBps  (30.0 s, 2 samples)
File Copy 256 bufsize 500 maxblocks          281824.5 KBps  (30.0 s, 2 samples)
File Copy 4096 bufsize 8000 maxblocks       2955668.2 KBps  (30.0 s, 2 samples)
Pipe Throughput                             1690325.6 lps   (10.0 s, 7 samples)
Pipe-based Context Switching                 336652.3 lps   (10.0 s, 7 samples)
Process Creation                              17219.0 lps   (30.0 s, 2 samples)
Shell Scripts (1 concurrent)                  13913.3 lpm   (60.0 s, 2 samples)
Shell Scripts (8 concurrent)                   2104.5 lpm   (60.0 s, 2 samples)
System Call Overhead                         936937.2 lps   (10.0 s, 7 samples)

System Benchmarks Index Values               BASELINE       RESULT    INDEX
Dhrystone 2 using register variables         116700.0   75940908.4   6507.4
Double-Precision Whetstone                       55.0      12839.1   2334.4
Execl Throughput                                 43.0       7154.3   1663.8
File Copy 1024 bufsize 2000 maxblocks          3960.0    1002295.4   2531.0
File Copy 256 bufsize 500 maxblocks            1655.0     281824.5   1702.9
File Copy 4096 bufsize 8000 maxblocks          5800.0    2955668.2   5096.0
Pipe Throughput                               12440.0    1690325.6   1358.8
Pipe-based Context Switching                   4000.0     336652.3    841.6
Process Creation                                126.0      17219.0   1366.6
Shell Scripts (1 concurrent)                     42.4      13913.3   3281.4
Shell Scripts (8 concurrent)                      6.0       2104.5   3507.6
System Call Overhead                          15000.0     936937.2    624.6
System Benchmarks Index Score                                        2071.3

======= Script description and score comparison completed! ======= 

Looking Glass

Server Location: Alblasserdam, NL

Test IPv4:

Test IPv6: 2a00:d880:3:1::787:d6bd

Test files: 100MB 1000MB

Global Node Test

 ## CDN Speedtest

 CacheFly : 105.82 MiB/s |  846.56 Mbps  | ping   2.998ms
 Gdrive   :       0 B/s |      N/A       | ping   6.547ms

 ## North America Speedtest

 Softlayer, Washington, USA :  11.86 MiB/s |   94.90 Mbps  | ping  88.295ms
 SoftLayer, San Jose, USA   :   2.41 MiB/s |   19.25 Mbps  | ping 143.404ms
 SoftLayer, Dallas, USA     :       0 B/s |      N/A       | ping error!
 Vultr, New Jersey, USA     :  27.29 MiB/s |  218.34 Mbps  | ping  81.408ms
 Vultr, Seattle, USA        :  14.31 MiB/s |  114.47 Mbps  | ping 142.910ms
 Vultr, Dallas, USA         :  16.82 MiB/s |  134.53 Mbps  | ping 117.433ms
 Vultr, Los Angeles, USA    :  12.86 MiB/s |  102.87 Mbps  | ping 153.530ms
 Ramnode, New York, USA     :  27.56 MiB/s |  220.50 Mbps  | ping  79.043ms
 Ramnode, Atlanta, USA      :  24.57 MiB/s |  196.53 Mbps  | ping  95.006ms

 ## Europe Speedtest

 Vultr, London, UK            : 100.70 MiB/s |  805.64 Mbps  | ping   8.253ms
 LeaseWeb, Frankfurt, Germany : 465.82 KiB/s |    3.64 Mbps  | ping   9.279ms
 Hetzner, Germany             :   5.53 MiB/s |   44.23 Mbps  | ping  13.078ms
 Ramnode, Alblasserdam, NL    :  84.02 MiB/s |  672.19 Mbps  | ping   0.345ms
 Vultr, Amsterdam, NL         : 106.95 MiB/s |  855.61 Mbps  | ping   3.708ms
 EDIS, Stockholm, Sweden      :   1.54 KiB/s |    0.01 Mbps  | ping  22.559ms
 OVH, Roubaix, France         :   2.73 KiB/s |    0.02 Mbps  | ping  12.318ms
 Online, France               :  80.21 MiB/s |  641.66 Mbps  | ping  12.287ms
 Prometeus, Milan, Italy      :   2.17 KiB/s |    0.02 Mbps  | ping  17.642ms

 ## Exotic Speedtest

 Sydney, Australia     :   4.08 MiB/s |   32.60 Mbps  | ping 265.234ms
 Lagoon, New Caledonia :     342 B/s |      N/A       | ping 275.903ms
 Hosteasy, Moldova     :  14.47 MiB/s |  115.74 Mbps  | ping  43.662ms
 Prima, Argentina      : 226.89 KiB/s |    1.77 Mbps  | ping error!

 ## Asia Speedtest

 SoftLayer, Singapore :   1.33 MiB/s |   10.63 Mbps  | ping 169.806ms
 Linode, Tokyo, Japan :   3.18 MiB/s |   25.41 Mbps  | ping 245.244ms
 Linode, Singapore    :   4.98 MiB/s |   39.82 Mbps  | ping 170.544ms
 Vultr, Tokyo, Japan  :   6.23 MiB/s |   49.81 Mbps  | ping 228.919ms

 Benchmark finished in 97 seconds

Global Latency Test

RamNode Netherlands Amsterdam VDS Virtual Dedicated Servers Test and Review RamNode Netherlands Amsterdam VDS Virtual Dedicated Servers Test and Review

Query: ping, interval: 5s, dense mode: no

Probing – RIPENCC /24 AS198203 ROUTELABEL – Netherlands

Media Unlock Test

 ** Test Starts At: Fri Sep 15 01:29:56 UTC 2023

 ** Checking Results Under IPv4 
 ** Your Network Provider: RouteLabel V.O.F. (176.56.*.*) 

============[ Multination ]============
 Dazn:                                  Yes (Region: NL)
 HotStar:                               No
 Disney+:                               No
 Netflix:                               Originals Only
 YouTube Premium:                       Yes (Region: NL)
 Amazon Prime Video:                    Yes (Region: NL)
 TVBAnywhere+:                          Yes
 iQyi Oversea Region:                   INTL
 Viu.com:                               No
 YouTube CDN:                           Amsterdam 
 Netflix Preferred CDN:                 Associated with [RETN Limited] in [Budapest ]
 Spotify Registration:                  No
 Steam Currency:                        EUR
 ChatGPT:                               Yes

 ** Checking Results Under IPv6 
 ** Your Network Provider: RouteLabel V.O.F. (2a00:d880:11:*:*) 

============[ Multination ]============
 Dazn:                                  Failed (Network Connection)
 HotStar:                               No
 Disney+:                               No
 Netflix:                               Originals Only
 YouTube Premium:                       No 
 Amazon Prime Video:                    Unsupported
 TVBAnywhere+:                          Failed (Network Connection)
 iQyi Oversea Region:                   Failed
 Viu.com:                               Failed
 YouTube CDN:                           Amsterdam 
 Netflix Preferred CDN:                 Associated with [RETN Limited] in [Budapest ]
 Steam Currency:                        Failed (Network Connection)
 ChatGPT:                               Yes
Testing Done! 

CloudFlare Internet Test

RamNode Netherlands Amsterdam VDS Virtual Dedicated Servers Test and Review

PageSpeed Insights

RamNode Netherlands Amsterdam VDS Virtual Dedicated Servers Test and Review

GTmetrix Performance

RamNode Netherlands Amsterdam VDS Virtual Dedicated Servers Test and Review

Get Started with RamNode

RamNode Netherlands Amsterdam VDS Virtual Dedicated Servers Test and Review

Getting started with RamNode’s services is quite straightforward:

  1. Create an Account: Sign up for a RamNode account.
  2. Add Cloud Credit: Add at least $3 in Cloud Credit through your Client Area.
  3. Choose a Service: Select the service that best fits your needs. RamNode offers various services, including Cloud KVM VPS, Virtual Dedicated Servers, OpenVZ VPS, and cPanel Shared Hosting.
  4. Customize Your Server: Choose from several of their cloud-init compatible Linux images or upload your image/ISO anytime.
  5. Choose a Data Center Location: RamNode has data centers in Atlanta, New York City, Seattle, Los Angeles, and The Netherlands.
  6. Choose a Payment Method: You can pay by the hour with PayPal, Credit Card, Bitcoin, WeChat, or Alipay. You can also prepay by adding credit or pay automatically using PayPal or a credit card.
  7. Monitor Your Usage: You can monitor your usage in the Cloud Control Panel under the Billing tab.

If you need help, their dedicated support team provides quick, friendly responses 24/7. Enjoy your journey with RamNode!

Admin Control Panel

RamNode Netherlands Amsterdam VDS Virtual Dedicated Servers Test and Review

The RamNode Cloud Control Panel is a feature-rich interface that makes cloud hosting easy. Here are some ways to access and features of the Cloud Control Panel:

  • Access: There are several ways to access the Cloud Control Panel. Your “RamNode Cloud Information” email contains the information you need upfront. You can find your RamNode emails from the Client Area at any time. The easiest way to log into the panel is via the single sign-on link in the Client Area. Alternatively, you can sign in directly at cloud.ramnode.com with your email address.
  • Features: The control panel offers startup scripts, snapshots, custom firewalls, and more. It also includes an OpenStack API. You can monitor your usage in the Cloud Control Panel under the Billing tab and add more time as needed.

Please note that the control panel credentials are currently separate from the Client Area, so you must set a password from cloud.ramnode.com/profile/edit or use the Forgot Password link to access it directly.

Server Pricing

RamNode Netherlands Amsterdam VDS Virtual Dedicated Servers Test and Review

RamNode offers a variety of services with different pricing options:

  • Standard KVM VPS: Starts at $4/month for 512MB memory, 1 core CPU, 15GB SSD, and 1TB bandwidth. The price increases with more resources, up to $43/month for 8GB memory, 4 cores CPU, 180GB SSD, and 5TB bandwidth.
  • Premium KVM VPS: Starts at $15/month for 2GB memory, 1 core CPU, 50GB NVMe SSD, and 3TB bandwidth. The price increases with more resources, up to $100/month for 16GB memory, 4 cores CPU, 400GB NVMe SSD, and 6TB bandwidth.
  • Massive KVM VPS: Starts at $4/month for 512MB memory, 1 core CPU, 160GB HDD, and 2TB bandwidth. The price increases with more resources.
  • VDS (Virtual Dedicated Servers): Starts at $50/month for 8GB memory, 2 dedicated cores CPU, and 200GB SSD. The price increases with more resources.
  • OpenVZ VPS: Starts at $3.50/month for the SVZS plan with 1GB memory, 1 core CPU, and 40GB SSD.
  • cPanel Shared Hosting: Pricing starts at $5/month.

Please note that these prices are subject to change, and it’s always best to check the official RamNode website for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

Official Website: https://www.RamNode.com


RamNode accepts several payment methods for their services:

  • PayPal: You can use PayPal to make payments.
  • Credit Cards: They accept credit card payments.
  • Cryptocurrencies: They accept several cryptocurrencies via BitPay and Payssion.
  • Alipay and WeChat Pay: Customers in China, accept Alipay and WeChat Pay via Payssion.

You can choose to prepay by adding credit or set up automatic payments using PayPal or a credit card. Their system will automatically charge your card after issuing the invoice. If you do not leave a credit card on file or enable auto invoicing, you must keep your account funded manually. Prepay customers receive a notice at 72, 24, and 1 hour(s) away from running out of cloud credit. You can add more at any time.

RamNode offers a 3-day refund period for the first invoice on your first service with them. If you desire a refund and are eligible per their Terms of Service, you can open a ticket in the Client Area to request it. Please note that cPanel licenses are not eligible for refunds. Also, Bitcoin payments are non-refundable.


Get an extra 25% Cloud Credit! Promo code: CLOUD25.


  • Matching credit will be added within 24 hours.
  • Limited to one use per customer.
  • This does not apply to moving general account credit to the cloud.
  • Only for Cloud (KVM, VDS) service. Does not apply to OpenVZ VPS.

Customer Support

RamNode provides quick and friendly customer support that is available 24/7. Their dedicated support team is always ready to help solve your problems quickly and professionally. They are known for their unparalleled support and helpfulness. They notify customers in advance of planned outages for security and infrastructure upgrades. Their customer service is what sets them apart.

RamNode guarantees that your VPS will be online 99.98% of the time. This uptime guarantee applies to all their services. However, there are some exceptions to this guarantee, including scheduled maintenance, upgrades for your particular VPS, service suspensions for AUP violations, overdue invoices, etc., downtime caused by your software installations on your VPS, Denial of Service attacks, hardware failures, and any other errors on the client side. They reserve the right to issue credits or refunds on a case-by-case basis. Downtime caused by the client will never result in credits or refunds.


In this review, we extensively tested the noteworthy RamNode’s Netherlands Amsterdam Dedicated CPU VDS Server. This robust machine, driven by an Intel Core Processor (Haswell, with no TSX, IBRS) and includes 2 cores CPU/8 GB RAM and plentiful 200 GB SSD storage, was put through its paces. Other notable features are its 1 Gbps Internet Port and the generous inclusion of 10 TB data traffic allowance, supplemented by 1x IPv4 and 1x IPv6 addresses.

During our initial testing, the Basic Bench approach captured a notable average I/O speed of 478.9 MB/s. These speeds, coupled with varied upload and download readings across multiple locations, shone a spotlight on the server’s ability to deliver high-speed connectivity universally, with an impressive 924.08 Mbps download speed recorded via Speedtest.net and other stable performances across geographical borders like the US, Canada, France, Singapore, and Japan.

Our Yabs Performance Bench further cemented the server’s capabilities. The fio Disk Speed Tests (Mixed R/W 50/50) were particularly prominent, which displayed a solid total write speed of 499.67 MB/s (1m IOPS). In the Geekbench 6 Benchmark Test, the server gave us Single and Multi-Core scores of 1049 and 1762, respectively, indicative of its handling of single-threaded and multi-threaded workloads.

Turning to UnixBench, the server underwent a rigorous CPU Performance test. With two separate benchmark runs that tested both single and dual CPUs, the server demonstrated particularly noteworthy performances. During the solo CPU test, the server obtained a system benchmark index score of 1185.4 with impressive scores in Dhrystone, Whetstone, and file copy tests. A higher benchmark index score of 2071.3 was reached for duo CPUs, suggesting an excellent multi-core processing performance.

In summary, the RamNode Netherlands Amsterdam Dedicated CPU VDS Server, with its powerful specifications and impressive results across various tests, demonstrates that it is a high-performing, reliable server option. This deep dive into the server’s abilities reinforced its versatility when handling different workloads and locations. RamNode more than justifies its reputation for delivering feature-rich and powerful server solutions, making it a wise choice for those seeking economical yet potent web hosting.

Official Website: https://www.RamNode.com

The Ultimate Hosting Platform

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