ServerAstra USA New York Intel Core Cloud Compute Instance (VPS) Test and Review

The Ultimate Hosting Platform
ServerAstra USA New York Intel Core Cloud Compute Instance (VPS) Test and Review

Our team recently tested the ServerAstra USA New York Cloud Compute Instance (Base Compute Intel USA). The server runs on Debian GNU/Linux 11 and uses an Intel Core Processor (Broadwell, IBRS) with 1 CPU core, 1 GB of RAM, and 20 GB of SSD storage. It connects through a 10 Gbps Internet port and offers 4 TB of traffic along with both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.

About ServerAstra

ServerAstra, established in 2006 and headquartered in Budapest, Hungary, is a reputable hosting provider offering diverse services tailored to various business needs. Their portfolio includes dedicated servers, VPS, cloud hosting, and colocation, all designed with a focus on quality and flexibility. Clients benefit from customizable pricing and upgrade options, making ServerAstra an adaptable solution for businesses of all sizes.

Their state-of-the-art datacenter, located in Dataplex, meets industry standards for security and reliability. It features 24/7 armed guards, CCTV monitoring, and redundant power and conditioning systems, ensuring high availability and robust data protection. ServerAstra’s network infrastructure is equally impressive, with peering connections to major providers like Hurricane Electric and Cogent, delivering efficient and reliable connectivity.

Customer satisfaction is a priority, with their responsive and helpful support team earning consistent praise. While no hosting provider can guarantee 100% uptime, ServerAstra is recognized for its reliability and minimal downtime, making it a dependable choice. With a growing market presence, ServerAstra continues to expand its services and client base, cementing its status as a trusted name in the hosting industry.


ServerAstra USA New York Intel Core Cloud Compute Instance (VPS) Test and Review

Official Website:


The merchant did not provide

Basic Information

 Processor         : Intel Core Processor (Broadwell, IBRS)
 CPU Numbers       : 1
 CPU Frequency     : 2394.454 MHz
 CPU Cache         : L1: 64.00 KB / L2: 4.00 MB / L3: 16.00 MB
 AES-NI            : ✔ Enabled
 VM-x/AMD-V        : ✔ Enabled
 RAM               : 268.02 MiB / 976.39 MiB
 Swap              : 9.06 MiB / 1024.00 MiB
 Disk Space        : 2.76 GiB / 19.62 GiB
 Boot Disk         : /dev/sda1
 Uptime            : 0 days, 0 hour 17 min
 Loads             : 0.62, 0.26, 0.15
 OS Release        : Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye) (x86_64)
 Arch              : x86_64 (64 Bit)
 Kernel Version    : 5.10.0-8-amd64
 TCP Acceleration  : bbr
 VM Type           : Microsoft Hyper-V
 NAT Type          : Full Cone
 IPV4 ASN          : AS56322 ServerAstra Kft.
 IPV4 Location     : New York City / New York / US
 IPV6 ASN          : AS56322 ServerAstra Kft.
 IPV6 Location     : New York / New York / United States
 IPV6 Subnet Mask  : 64

GB6 Benchmark

Geekbench test failed and low memory was detected. Add at least 1GB of SWAP or use GB4 instead (higher compatibility with low memory systems).

YABS completed in 39 min 43 sec
Geekbench 5 Benchmark Test:
Test            | Value                         
Single Core     | 671                           
Multi Core      | 684                           
Full Test       |

YABS completed in 3 min 18 sec

RAM Read/Write Tests

 -> Memory Test (Fast Mode, 1-Pass @ 5sec)
 Single Read Test:              17800.52 MB/s
 Single Write Test:             12668.29 MB/s
Running memory speed test with the following options:
  block size: 1KiB
  total size: 102400MiB
  operation: read
  scope: global

Initializing worker threads...

Threads started!

Total operations: 52075398 (5206367.65 per second)

50854.88 MiB transferred (5084.34 MiB/sec)

General statistics:
    total time:                          10.0002s
    total number of events:              52075398

Latency (ms):
         min:                                    0.00
         avg:                                    0.00
         max:                                   10.16
         95th percentile:                        0.00
         sum:                                 3314.21

Threads fairness:
    events (avg/stddev):           52075398.0000/0.00
    execution time (avg/stddev):   3.3142/0.00
Running memory speed test with the following options:
  block size: 1KiB
  total size: 102400MiB
  operation: write
  scope: global

Initializing worker threads...

Threads started!

Total operations: 42457662 (4244766.78 per second)

41462.56 MiB transferred (4145.28 MiB/sec)

General statistics:
    total time:                          10.0002s
    total number of events:              42457662

Latency (ms):
         min:                                    0.00
         avg:                                    0.00
         max:                                    9.75
         95th percentile:                        0.00
         sum:                                 4684.78

Threads fairness:
    events (avg/stddev):           42457662.0000/0.00
    execution time (avg/stddev):   4.6848/0.00

Disk Read/Write Tests

 -> Disk test in progress (4K Block/1M Block, Direct Mode)
 Block Size             Write Test                              Read Test
 100MB-4K Block         11.2 MB/s (2722 IOPS, 9.40s)            3.9 MB/s (942 IOPS, 27.16s)
 1GB-1M Block           23.4 MB/s (22 IOPS, 44.72s)             52.6 MB/s (50 IOPS, 19.94s)
Block Size | 4k            (IOPS) | 64k           (IOPS)
  ------   | ---            ----  | ----           ---- 
Read       | 15.83 MB/s    (3.9k) | 16.79 MB/s     (262)
Write      | 15.85 MB/s    (3.9k) | 17.27 MB/s     (269)
Total      | 31.68 MB/s    (7.9k) | 34.07 MB/s     (531)
           |                      |                     
Block Size | 512k          (IOPS) | 1m            (IOPS)
  ------   | ---            ----  | ----           ---- 
Read       | 17.36 MB/s      (33) | 19.07 MB/s      (18)
Write      | 18.93 MB/s      (36) | 21.07 MB/s      (20)
Total      | 36.30 MB/s      (69) | 40.14 MB/s      (38)

Iperf3 Network Tests

iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv4):
Provider        | Location (Link)           | Send Speed      | Recv Speed      | Ping           
Clouvider       | London, UK (10G)          | 755 Mbits/sec   | 1.27 Mbits/sec  | 69.5 ms        
Eranium         | Amsterdam, NL (100G)      | 1.95 Gbits/sec  | busy            | 73.8 ms        
Uztelecom       | Tashkent, UZ (10G)        | 525 Mbits/sec   | 313 Mbits/sec   | 167 ms         
Leaseweb        | Singapore, SG (10G)       | 471 Mbits/sec   | busy            | 217 ms         
Clouvider       | Los Angeles, CA, US (10G) | 2.39 Gbits/sec  | 1.62 Gbits/sec  | 61.7 ms        
Leaseweb        | NYC, NY, US (10G)         | 7.55 Gbits/sec  | 6.18 Gbits/sec  | 3.01 ms        
Edgoo           | Sao Paulo, BR (1G)        | 1.33 Gbits/sec  | 199 Mbits/sec   | 112 ms         

iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv6):
Provider        | Location (Link)           | Send Speed      | Recv Speed      | Ping           
Clouvider       | London, UK (10G)          | 1.85 Gbits/sec  | 778 Mbits/sec   | 69.9 ms        
Eranium         | Amsterdam, NL (100G)      | 1.98 Gbits/sec  | 2.32 Gbits/sec  | 72.1 ms        
Uztelecom       | Tashkent, UZ (10G)        | busy            | 445 Mbits/sec   | 167 ms         
Leaseweb        | Singapore, SG (10G)       | 556 Mbits/sec   | 314 Mbits/sec   | 217 ms         
Clouvider       | Los Angeles, CA, US (10G) | 2.52 Gbits/sec  | 1.19 Gbits/sec  | 61.6 ms        
Leaseweb        | NYC, NY, US (10G)         | 9.11 Gbits/sec  | 5.52 Gbits/sec  | 2.48 ms        
Edgoo           | Sao Paulo, BR (1G)        | 1.36 Gbits/sec  | 903 Mbits/sec   | 111 ms  

UnixBench Tests

Benchmark Run: Wed Mar 05 2025 21:16:37 - 21:44:44
1 CPU in system; running 1 parallel copy of tests

Dhrystone 2 using register variables       32620085.7 lps   (10.0 s, 7 samples)
Double-Precision Whetstone                     6186.1 MWIPS (10.0 s, 7 samples)
Execl Throughput                               3296.5 lps   (29.9 s, 2 samples)
File Copy 1024 bufsize 2000 maxblocks        546255.2 KBps  (30.0 s, 2 samples)
File Copy 256 bufsize 500 maxblocks          139341.2 KBps  (30.0 s, 2 samples)
File Copy 4096 bufsize 8000 maxblocks       1777663.1 KBps  (30.0 s, 2 samples)
Pipe Throughput                              719150.7 lps   (10.0 s, 7 samples)
Pipe-based Context Switching                 154032.8 lps   (10.0 s, 7 samples)
Process Creation                               8736.0 lps   (30.0 s, 2 samples)
Shell Scripts (1 concurrent)                   6754.5 lpm   (60.0 s, 2 samples)
Shell Scripts (8 concurrent)                    897.7 lpm   (60.0 s, 2 samples)
System Call Overhead                         403589.6 lps   (10.0 s, 7 samples)

System Benchmarks Index Values               BASELINE       RESULT    INDEX
Dhrystone 2 using register variables         116700.0   32620085.7   2795.2
Double-Precision Whetstone                       55.0       6186.1   1124.7
Execl Throughput                                 43.0       3296.5    766.6
File Copy 1024 bufsize 2000 maxblocks          3960.0     546255.2   1379.4
File Copy 256 bufsize 500 maxblocks            1655.0     139341.2    841.9
File Copy 4096 bufsize 8000 maxblocks          5800.0    1777663.1   3064.9
Pipe Throughput                               12440.0     719150.7    578.1
Pipe-based Context Switching                   4000.0     154032.8    385.1
Process Creation                                126.0       8736.0    693.3
Shell Scripts (1 concurrent)                     42.4       6754.5   1593.0
Shell Scripts (8 concurrent)                      6.0        897.7   1496.2
System Call Overhead                          15000.0     403589.6    269.1
System Benchmarks Index Score                                         986.5

======= Script description and score comparison completed! ======= 

Streaming Unlock Tests

============[ Multination ]============
 Dazn:                                  Failed (Error: )
 Disney+:                               No (IP Banned By Disney+ 1)
 Netflix:                               Originals Only
 YouTube Premium:                       Yes (Region: US)
 Amazon Prime Video:                    Yes (Region: US)
 TVBAnywhere+:                          Yes
 Spotify Registration:                  No
 OneTrust Region:                       US [New York]
 iQyi Oversea Region:                   US
 Bing Region:                           US
 Apple Region:                          US
 YouTube CDN:                           [RCN] in [New York, NY]
 Netflix Preferred CDN:                 [Astound Broadband] in [New York, NY]
 ChatGPT:                               Yes
 Google Gemini:                         Yes (Region: USA)
 Claude:                                Yes
 Wikipedia Editability:                 Yes
 Google Play Store:                     United States 
 Google Search CAPTCHA Free:            Yes
 Steam Currency:                        USD
 Reddit:                                No

IP Quality Detection

Data for reference only, does not represent 100% accurate, if and the actual situation is not consistent with the manual query multiple database comparison
The following is the number of each database, the output will come with the corresponding number of the database source
ipinfo  databases [0] | scamalytics databases [1] | virustotal  databases  [2] | abuseipdb databases   [3] | ip2location databases    [4]
ip-api  databases [5] | ipwhois databases     [6] | ipregistry  databases  [7] | ipdata databases      [8] | db-ip databases          [9]
ipapiis databases [A] | ipapicom databases    [B] | bigdatacloud databases [C] | cheervision databases [D] | ipqualityscore databases [E]
Security Score:
Reputation: 0 [2] 
TrustScore: 0 [8] 
VpnScore: 100 [8] 
ProxyScore: 100 [8]
CommunityVoteHarmless: 0 [2] 
CommunityVoteMalicious: 0 [2] 
ThreatScore: 100 [8] 
FraudScore: 65 [E] 72 [1]
AbuseScore: 0 [3] 
ASNAbuseScore: 0.0167 (Elevated) [A] 
CompannyAbuseScore: 0.043 (High) [A] 
ThreatLevel: low [9 B] 
Blacklist_Records_Statistics(how many blacklisted websites have records):
HarmlessnessRecords: 0 [2]  MaliciousRecords: 0 [2]  SuspiciousRecords: 0 [2]  NoRecords: 94 [2]  
Security Info:
UsageType: hosting - moderate probability [C] DataCenter/WebHosting/Transit [3] hosting [0 7 9 A] business [8]
CompanyType: business [A] hosting [0 7]
IsCloudProvider: Yes [7 D] 
IsDatacenter: No [8 C] Yes [0 1 5 6 A]
IsMobile: Yes [E] No [5 A C]
IsProxy: No [0 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D] Yes [E]
IsVpn: Yes [0 A E] No [1 6 7 C D]
IsTorExit: No [1 7 D] 
IsTorExit: No [1 7 D] 
IsCrawler: No [9 A B E] 
IsAnonymous: No [1 6 7 8 D] 
IsAttacker: No [7 8 D] 
IsAbuser: No [7 8 A C D E]
IsThreat: No [7 8 C D] 
IsRelay: No [0 7 8 C D] 
IsBogon: No [7 8 A C D] 
IsBot: No [E] 
DNS-BlackList: 313(Total_Check) 0(Clean) 4(Blacklisted) 305(Other) 
Security Score:
FraudScore: 72 [1] 
AbuseScore: 0 [3]
ASNAbuseScore: 0.0167 (Elevated) [A] 
CompannyAbuseScore: 0.043 (High) [A] 
ThreatLevel: low [B] 
Security Info:
UsageType: hosting [A] DataCenter/WebHosting/Transit [3]
CompanyType: business [A] 
IsCloudProvider: Yes [D] 
IsDatacenter: Yes [1 A] 
IsMobile: No [A] 
IsProxy: No [1 A B D] 
IsVpn: Yes [A] No [1 D]
IsTorExit: No [1 D] 
IsTorExit: No [1 D] 
IsCrawler: No [A B] 
IsAnonymous: No [1 D] 
IsAttacker: No [D]
IsAbuser: No [A D] 
IsThreat: No [D] 
IsRelay: No [D] 
IsBogon: No [A D] 
DNS-BlackList: 313(Total_Check) 0(Clean) 0(Blacklisted) 313(Other) 
Google search feasibility: NO

Email Port Detection

LocalPort ✔     ✔     ✔     ✔     ✔     ✔    
QQ        ✘     ✔     ✔     ✘     ✔     ✘    
163       ✘     ✔     ✔     ✘     ✔     ✘    
Sohu      ✘     ✔     ✔     ✘     ✔     ✘    
Yandex    ✘     ✔     ✔     ✘     ✔     ✘    
Gmail     ✘     ✔     ✘     ✘     ✘     ✘    
Outlook   ✘     ✘     ✔     ✘     ✔     ✘    
Office365 ✘     ✘     ✔     ✘     ✔     ✘    
Yahoo     ✘     ✔     ✘     ✘     ✘     ✘    
MailCOM   ✘     ✔     ✔     ✘     ✔     ✘    
MailRU    ✘     ✔     ✘     ✘     ✔     ✘    
AOL       ✘     ✔     ✘     ✘     ✘     ✘    
GMX       ✘     ✘     ✔     ✘     ✔     ✘    
Sina      ✘     ✔     ✔     ✘     ✔     ✘    
Apple     ✘     ✘     ✘     ✘     ✘     ✘    
FastMail  ✘     ✔     ✘     ✘     ✘     ✘    
ProtonMail✘     ✘     ✘     ✘     ✘     ✘    
MXRoute   ✘     ✘     ✔     ✘     ✔     ✘    
Namecrane ✘     ✔     ✔     ✘     ✔     ✘    
XYAMail   ✘     ✘     ✘     ✘     ✘     ✘    
ZohoMail  ✘     ✔     ✘     ✘     ✘     ✘    
Inbox_eu  ✘     ✔     ✔     ✘     ✘     ✘    
Free_fr   ✘     ✔     ✔     ✘     ✔     ✘  

Looking Glass

Test IP:

AS number: 56322

Connectivity test: 10mb 100mb 1gb

Global Latency Tests

ServerAstra USA New York Intel Core Cloud Compute Instance (VPS) Test and Review ServerAstra USA New York Intel Core Cloud Compute Instance (VPS) Test and Review

Query: ping, interval: 5s, dense mode: no

Probing – RIPE NCC /24 AS56322 SERVERASTRA-AS – United States, New York, New York [hosting]

CloudFlare Internet Tests

ServerAstra USA New York Intel Core Cloud Compute Instance (VPS) Test and Review

PageSpeed Insights

ServerAstra USA New York Intel Core Cloud Compute Instance (VPS) Test and Review

GTmetrix Performance

ServerAstra USA New York Intel Core Cloud Compute Instance (VPS) Test and Review

Admin Control Panel

ServerAstra USA New York Intel Core Cloud Compute Instance (VPS) Test and Review


We ran Geekbench 5 tests and recorded a single-core score of 671 and a multi-core score of 684. The test also revealed low memory levels, prompting a recommendation to add at least 1 GB of swap for better compatibility. In addition, our team completed YABS tests which showed memory read speeds around 17,800 MB/s and write speeds near 12,668 MB/s. The tests also monitored latency, recording very low average values, which confirms a highly responsive memory performance.

Disk performance was evaluated using dd and fio tests. The measurements varied based on block sizes and IOPS, with read speeds ranging from about 3.9 MB/s to over 52 MB/s. These results point to acceptable SSD performance for basic operations, although the speeds may not reach those of high-end NVMe devices.

Network tests included iperf3 evaluations that compared speeds from various global endpoints. The tests revealed mixed throughput, with some transfers hitting speeds above 7 Gbits/sec, while others remained at moderate levels. Streaming services were also checked and showed reliable access to channels like YouTube Premium and Amazon Prime Video, whereas platforms such as Disney+ remained blocked or had limitations.

Conclusion: The ServerAstra USA New York instance delivers steady performance for everyday hosting needs. Our team found strong network and memory speeds paired with reasonable disk performance. With a suggested swap upgrade to address low memory, this server proves to be a reliable option for basic workloads and consistent connectivity.

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The Ultimate Hosting Platform

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